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Joyce offers mechanical counters for screw jacks and actuators. These allow position tracking for manual operations.

These convert the rotational movement of the input shaft into a numeric readout at the counter. It is important to know the size of increments to be measured ( for instance inches or millimeters) and the number of decimal places to be measured and displayed (for instance 0.000" or 000.0").

Standard count increases as the lifting screw of the jack extends, but customers may request the count to decrease to suit their requirements.

Other Considerations:

Choice of counter is dependent on the diameter of the worm input shaft on which they will be mounted.

Selection of internal ratio of counter is dependent on the number ot turns per inch for the specific jack.

If counters are used on jacks with hand wheels, a longer input worm shaft can be specified to permit both handwheel and counter to be mounted on a single shaft.

Ordering Information:

Since counters are mounted directly onto jacks and actuators, they are specified as part of the complete part number. Refer to the ordering section for the products on which they will be used.

Product Media

Counter Dimensions
Dimension Jack Capacity
  2 Ton 2.5 Ton 3 Ton 5 Ton 10 Ton 15 Ton 20 Ton
D 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2 5 5 7/8 5 7/8 6
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Request a quote for products and repair parts:

  • New Product Quote: Visit the product sections on this website and select or construct a part number and quantity of the product you wish to purchase.
  • Reorder a Product: Include the previous PO or serial number along with the quantity you need.
  • Repair Parts: View the product manual or exploded view to identify the components that are needed. Locate the product serial number and include it in your correspondence with Customer Service.

If you need us to repair your product, request a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number by email, phone, or simply fill out the form above and mention "RMA" in message box.

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