Platform Skirt Bellows
Platform Skirt Bellows
Platform skirts are large rectangular or square bellows that are mounted vertically around lift tables and other machinery to protect the area beneath from exposure to foreign objects. An added benefit of their use is the reduction of accumulated debris beneath the protected structure. Platform skirts are constructed of vinyl coated polyester and they typically include a flat mounting bar along the top edge and a weighted bar at the lower flange. Platform skirts may be specified in most sizes and with two, three, or four sides.
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Diagrams of End Conditions

Flat Bar
A flat bar is typically provided in the top of each platform skirt to facilitate mounting it in place.

Sewn Tabs
Sewn tabs are recommended as an option on bellows with long travel lengths. These tabs limit the flexing of individual convolutions and thus stabilize long bellows. They also limit stress to the seams between convolutions. Experienced Customer Service Representatives can help you determine if these sewn tabs would be a benefit for your application.

Vent holes placed in one or more sewn convolution allow the bellows to collapse more quickly in fast cycling applications. This simple addition to bellows permits air to escape or enter the bellows quickly.

Weighted Bar
A weighted bar is typically provided in the bottom to ensure that each platform skirt remains on the ground during operation.
Coating (Color) | Base Mat'l | Nominal Thickness | Temperature Range | Properties | Limitations |
Vinyl (Yellow) |
Polyester | .039" (.58 mm) | -30° F to 158° F (-34° C to 70° C) |
Good resistance to mildew and weather. Water repellent. | Not suited for extremely low temperatures. Bulky, best used for platform skirts. |