Understanding the Differences Between ACME, Ball, and Roller Screw Jacks

A screw jack is known by many names — machine screw jack, worm screw jack, lead screw jack, or jack screw — but it has one primary purpose: to take rotational motion and transform it into linear motion. These products allow you to efficiently lift, lower, push, pull, tilt, hold, or otherwise position a load as heavy as 250 tons. Screw jacks' reliability and capacity for synchronization surpass that of comparable alternatives, facilitating a variety of mechanical applications.

Since 1873, Joyce/Dayton Corp. has become an industry leader in advanced mechanical motion solutions, manufacturing an array of screw jacks, actuators, and lifting equipment for clients across North America and beyond. In this guide, learn more about our high-quality bespoke screw jack solutions, their features and benefits, and their common applications.

ACME Screw Jacks

Joyce/Dayton offers an extensive selection of customizable, robust ACME screw jacks to address the need for linear motion within diverse industries and equipment. ACME screw threads with their trapezoidal design provide an alternative to square or other formed threads for converting rotational motion, generating traversing motion in tooling, machinery, and high-load applications. They're also beneficial for their economical price and minimal maintenance requirements.

ACME screw jacks are compatible with a wide range of general industrial projects, with applications in products and processes such as the following:

  • Platforms
  • Satellite dishes
  • Material handling systems
  • Load carrying
  • Power transmission

ACME screw jacks excel at handling heavy loads at low velocities; however, they don't offer the same level of precision as efficient roller or ball screw jacks, particularly for high-speed tasks. While the inherent frictional force prevents back driving and opens up possibilities for vertical applications, that friction typically means that ACME screw jacks have a shorter lifespan than other types.

Ball Screw Jacks

We also offer an array of ball screw jack solutions, which our engineering team can customize to suit your unique application. Utilizing ball bearings to minimize friction, ball screw jacks enable highly efficient operations and offer impressive precision in their movements. Reduced friction also equates to reduced wear and tear, which — along with regularly scheduled maintenance — helps ensure optimized and lasting functionality in your screw jack for long-term use. Unlike ACME screw jacks, ball screw jacks are useful for high-speed precision applications. Some examples include:

  • Automotive assembly
  • Aerospace projects
  • Robotics equipment

Keep in mind that the lack of friction increases the chance of back driving, which could create a safety hazard. Incorporating a braking system can mitigate these concerns. Ball screw jacks also produce more noise, which could be a consideration in certain environments.

Roller Screw Jacks

Another of our many options, Joyce/Dayton's high-quality roller screw jacks can be tailored to address the most challenging of industrial applications. The series of rollers within roller screw jacks creates a larger surface area of direct contact with a load, giving these screw jacks an increased load capacity. Capable of handling the demands of heavy industry, roller screw jacks are an ideal option when you require reliable performance in high-duty-cycle applications in sectors like:

  • Metalworking
  • Construction
  • Mining

While potentially more expensive and requiring more maintenance than ball screw jacks, roller screw jacks are more robust and durable for high-load, high-duty-cycle environments.

Partner With Joyce/Dayton for Your Screw Jack Solutions

For over 150 years, the Joyce/Dayton team has supplied custom solutions for companies in industries ranging from military and defense to food and beverage. We specialize in product design and manufacturing, and we can modify materials, finishes, motor mounts, boots, end conditions, and more to tailor our high-performance products to your needs.

For even the most difficult of your lifting and mechanical motion applications, we have the cross-industry expertise to provide innovative product solutions for virtually any project. Contact us today to learn more about Joyce/Dayton products, or request a quote to get started.